Alisa Martynova

High Fire in the Forest's Heart

Alisa Martynova


Alisa Martynova looks back at the events that took place during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, at the time of the formation of the USSR. Following on from her research into migratory phenomena, her series High Fire in the Forest’s Heart focuses on the descendants of the ‘white emigration’ – members of Russian aristocratic families, artists and soldiers who fled the country after the February and October revolutions to take refuge in Italy, where the artist has lived for almost ten years. The series High Fire in the Forest’s Heart offers a dreamlike vision studded with symbols: portraits and landscapes imbued with Russian culture, making a snowy forest in the Dolomites seem strangely similar to those in the Taiga…

Alisa Martynova (Russia, 1994) is a documentary photographer currently based in Florence. After completing studies in philology in her native country, she graduated in photography from Fondazione Studio Marangoni in 2019. She has received awards including the Canon Young Photographers award (2019), the World Press Photo award in the Portraits section (2021), the Magenta Foundation UNSTUCK award (2022), the LensCulture Emerging Talent award (2023) and the Royal Photographic Society Documentary photography award (2023). Her work has been exhibited at numerous festivals and galleries, including Photo Brussels (2021, Belgium), Cortona on the move (2021, Italy), Encontros da Imagem (2021, Portugal), Planches Contact, Tremplin Jeunes Talents (2021, France), La Gacilly (2022, France), as well as at the Italian Cultural Institute in Addis Ababa (2022, Ethiopia), Galerie Fisheye (2022, France), Galerie Reich für die Insel (2022, Austria), Galerie Leica Milan (2023, Italy), Festival Exposure + (2023, Kuala Lumpur) and the Helsinki Photography Festival (2023, Finland).

We warmly thank our partners la Ville de Vevey, la Loterie Romande, Etat de Vaud and Arts Visuels Vaud for their support.

Opening hours

Monday- Friday 12:00-14:00

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